Nome Stock Cond/Idi Preço Quantidade
Socketed Sprocketer/Socketed Sprocketer (Unstable) 14 NM 0.30
Em ingls

T: Uninstall all results from Socketed Sprocketer, then roll a six-sided die. Install the result on Socketed Sprocketer. (Put the die on this card.)You may uninstall a result from Socketed Sprocketer to use it for a die you rolled.Uninstall a 6 from Socketed Sprocketer: Draw a card.

Em portugus

T: Uninstall all results from Socketed Sprocketer, then roll a six-sided die. Install the result on Socketed Sprocketer. (Put the die on this card.)You may uninstall a result from Socketed Sprocketer to use it for a die you rolled.Uninstall a 6 from Socketed Sprocketer: Draw a card.

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